Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti quake survivor: Sharing hope, talk, and a Tootsie pop

A man and many of his colleagues were trapped under a hotel's rubble for 50 hours after Haiti's major earthquake. Rick Santos was walking through a hotel lobby when he noticed a chandelier swinging and falling. Before he knew it he was trapped under meters of rubble and concrete with 5 of his colleagues. The only food they had to survive on was a single Tootsie pop and a little gum. Someone had come and asked the group if they were ok. They responded saying that they were hurt, and the person left to never return. The group was abandoned under the rubble screaming at any noise they heard. Eventually, almost 50 hours after the quake they heard a voice and began screaming. It took four hours for the entire group to escape through a two foot hole. Unfortunately, two of Rick's colleagues were severely injured and did not make it out alive. It will take a while for the country to bounce back to normal.

More about Haiti...but we cannot forget about it. Finally the U.S. is sending in troops and Red Cross supplies to families all over the country. This story about Rick Santos and his crew is more on the happy side of things. Numerous people lost their lives or lives of loved ones and not many made it out alive, especially after 50 hours. In this case Santos' colleagues were killed due to serious injuries and he will be mourning for quite some time, but the majority of his trapped group made it out alive. They found what they had around them and used the resources to their best. The sad part about this story is that it took two days for someone to return to the group after finding them. In many cases that would be too late. I still believe we need to send more relief effort into Haiti and help as many as we can.

Olivia Rice on Haiti issue

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