Friday, December 18, 2009
Wintry storm churns towards Northeast
More SNOW!!! Yet another large snowstorm is moving into the country. This time it will hit in areas such as New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina and surrounding areas. A reporter stressed the importance of road safety as Christmas traveling is a must. He stated that if you plan to fly somewhere you should arrive at the airport at least two hours before your departure due to the possibility of delays or transfers. Transit stations around the metropolitan areas are reporting in that buses will still be running because no storm and keep them from doing their job. This storm is expected to pile snow on areas not much used to heavy cold precipitation so traveling should be reduced if at all possible.
I believe it is just outrageous how much snow this country is getting in only a week. Major storms are moving in all over, and they are affecting areas not used to such weather. I live in Minnesota and i'm still waiting for a big snow storm to hit so there is something to build a snowman but no storm seems to want to come this way. I am, however, happy that Christmas is coming up in just a week and it is going to be white and hopefuly snowing!! :) I am sure people
affected by the snow are also very happy to share a white Christmas with a great majority of the country. I just hope that traveling is not too difficult and everyone can be together with their families!
Monday, December 14, 2009
ISSUE #1: All Things Being Unequal
Is the gap between the wealthiest Americans and the greater majority of the middle class Americans a problem? Some believe it is and others support the opposition. Statistics prove that the income of the wealthiest 20 percent of Americans has increased nearly 10 percent while the income for the bottom 20 percent has decreased by nearly 2 percent. Today, this gap continues to grow due to the raised costs for health care, energy, food, childcare and education to name a few. Many believe that it is fair that harder working citizens recieve more income for their hard work and effort but they also have strong arguments against it. These supporters believe that the government should impose restrictions on trade and outsourcing to help maintain local job opportunities and salaries. They also think that government should raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and reduce those of the middle to lower class citizens. Most who support this view are directly affected by globalization. They wish for wage insurance, job retaining programs and unemployment benefits to reduce poverty. However, there are many who support leaving things the way they are. These citizens argue that job protection and barriers will decrease profits and will reduce the benefits of workers. Raising taxes will not do any good, it will hurt workers and harm the economy even if placed on the wealthiest of people. Entitlement programs and social safety already take up a majority of the federal money, therefore, the U.S. cannot afford to support more people effected by poverty. There are already organizations that help the poor greatly such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). These people believe supply and demand will take care of itself and the income of Americans.
In a way I somewhat agree with both points of view. They both share great ideas and support, but I personally must agree most with the second group. I agree the government should impose restrictions on some things such as trade and outsourcing. It doesn't seem fair that outsiders get to do work that Americans are perfectly capable of. However, when it comes down to it it is the economy and money that make the greatest difference. Sure, Americans could perhaps perform specific jobs better or easier but it has proven to be much cheaper to send that work over to another conuntry such as China or India to be done. I believe the second argument made a great point stating that job protection and restrictions will take away from workers benefits and business incomes. Those living in poverty keep asking for more and more federal money, but how much is too much? They already have Medicare, Medicaid and numerous organizations helping with everyday needs. A point was made that the poor take up nearly half of the federal budget and I don't think that's fair. Sure, they are in need and its great the they are recieving such help, but how much money does the wealthy recieve? I believe that answer is close to none. With that statement, how does it even seem fair that the poor recieve so much while the wealthy recieve none? I do understand, however, what dire need those living in poverty are in so I strongly support such organizations that help it. I only disagree that more and more restrictions be put on the wealthy when they barely recieve federal money as it is.
An article from The Nation shows its view and facts on the issue of Extreme Inequality.
ISSUE #2- Boosting the Minimum- Alexa Goetsch
ISSUE #3- Putting Welfare to Work- Jon
Monday, December 7, 2009
Major winter storm to wallop central U.S.
I am so excited that snow is coming! Unfortunately, we are not going to be hit directly in Alexandria. At least we are going to have a white Christmas! In my opinion it cannot be cold outside without snow, so the snow will nicely match the cooler temperatures we are experiencing. I think it is pretty outrageous how Arizona is going to be recieving nearly 2 feet of snow with blizzard conditions! That state is supposed be filled with deserts and hot weather. The downfall of such winter storms is the damage they could bring. Wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour can be quite harmful to trees and powerlines. I am hoping the best for those who are going to be directly impacted by the storm. I can't wait until we get our first big storm and school is cancelled!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Khloe Kardashian, new husband nesting
I believe it is outrageous how soon the two got married. Tying the knot after just one month! That's crazy! Maybe for celebrities its different? Obviously I am happy for the couple, but I just don't know what is going on in their heads. Now they have finally found a home and are thinking about making a family. I think they are just famous people striving for attention and publicity. I am willing to bet this marraige will not last long. I will have to keep up with reading the latest news on the couple.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Glove, other Michael Jackson items fetch $2 million
I believe it is great that there was an auction held in memory of Michael Jackson. He became a legend and a true icon to many. Michael was a very giving person so it seems only right that people share what he gave to the world. I think it is wonderful how donaters are using the money from their memorbilias to give to charity and to help the community. In a way I somewhat expected some of his items to be sold for more than they went for. These items would include the Mercedes, jacket and especially the glove. It would feel right to have more auctions like this to support Michael in the future and perhaps other fallen icons.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
ISSUE #3-Safe to Eat?
How do we know what is safe to eat these days? This is the controversy in the increasing health care reform debate. Health care involves many issues such as Medicare and Medicaid, but few tend to recognize the effects of our everyday food on our health. Recent outbreaks such as the 2006 E. Coli outbreak has caused a stir in health care discussions. Researchers state reasons for such outbreaks that include: increasing age of baby boomers because elderly are at a higher risk for getting ill, centralization of produce especially in California and Arizona, and the large distribution of final produce items causing outbreaks to reach a larger amount of people. With these in mind researchers have come up with new regulations for the processing of fruits and vegetables. Poultry and meat regulators such as the Department of Agriculture do a very fine job at safe processing of its products. However, fruits and vegetables are very self-regulated by industry and farmers. After E. Coli outbreaks many restaurants and fruit and vegetable consumers have developed self made standards for their products. To some, however, this by itself cannot be the safest bet. Others argue that there sould be only one agency for ensuring safe produce. This will enable the agency to create one set of direct regulations and standards for the processing produce. These people are striving for more funding towards the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA currently previews fruits and vegetables for some industries. More funding will enable the FDA to hire more inspectors and ensure a safe food supply for everyone. These observers also want more funding for scientific research to create machines that can identify food that is contaminated. On the other hand some people believe that the farmer and growers should hold responsibility for their own produce. They are responding more quickly then one agency will. They are also competing for business and will want to display their best standards and products. These supporters add that greater federal regulation will increase the cost of produce, hurt agribusiness, and reverse efforts towards healthy lifestyles.
I believe that something needs to be done with our current produce regulations. Even though the E. Coli outbreak only affected about 200 people it should open the eyes of many to what is able to happen in the future with any type of food. Produce is a very sketchy product because of the way it is grown and processed. E. Coli started because of the manure spread on the spinich growing land. This simple malfunction can happen anywhere at anytime, therefore, we need a better system of regulating produce. I do not strongly agree with having just one agency inspect fruits and vegetables but rather have many agencies with the same or similar policies and standards. This way produce and quickly, efficiantly, and safely be dispersed throughout the country. With that said the time it takes to inspect and send out the produce should not be an issue. Having agencies inspect food is also a more reliable source than the farmers or growers themselves in my opinion. I also support the idea of more federal funding for both workers and technology. The best way to keep Americans safe is to have the right equipement to inspect our food and ensure the process is thoroughly done. Some argue that more federal funding will cut away from the already dwindling health care. This could be the case and is a good point, however, improper regulations on food can create health issues for people. Thus, sending them to doctors and buying drugs. In the long run health care will have to reform in order for the economy to survive. In a way it is a double edge sword, but what are we more worried about; spending more money or keeping Americans safe?
President Obama and Congress view's on the need for health care reform. (So Close!)
ISSUE#1-Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reform
ISSUE#2-Ensuring Quality Care for Medicare Patients
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Smell permeated Cleveland neighborhood where 11 bodies found, residents say
I cannot comprehend this situation at all. Someone would have to be completely sick as to do something such as this. I do not understand how 16 years in prison didn't do anything to Sowell. It makes me wonder if we need to tighten up or improve our prison system. It is also ridiculous how he got away with 11 murders. Some of the victims could have been missing for five years! I believe after an accuasation such as this, Sowell deserves life in prison. The neighbors should have called in the horrid stench sooner than they had. Sure they suspected it was just the sausage company, but what if it were something more serious? Well, it was, but hopefully they weren't to late to save another life. This murder situation is completely sick and disturbing and I believe Sowell needs to take the rest of his life to think about the terrible things he has done.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A-Rod's late inning heroics put Yankees one win from title
It is always a good thing for a professional player to perform well, but there is something about A-Rod that I just do not like. He did not perform well in regular season, so I wonder why he even played as much as he did. I feel as though A-Rod is a Yankee for publicity and not skill level. However, his post season performances are quite impressive recently. A-Rod was caught using seroides earlier in the season. This does not exactly scream out hero to me. A-Rod is improving, but needs to prove to me that he is worthy of being a hero before declared one in my mind. With that, I am rooting for the Phillies to pull off an upset over the Yankees. Being down 3 games to 1 the thrill of playing a 7th game in the World Series would be great. I am not especially fond of the Yankees. Go Phillies!!
My opinion differs from Alexa Goetsch's view on the Yankees situation.
Monday, November 2, 2009
War forces Iraqi mom into prostitution
I find it extremely sad to hear about such a thing going on in Iraq. Prostitution in no way is a good thing and women are making a living like this. It makes me wonder if us as Americans are to blame at all for we intruded their country and began killing people. Have we killed so many husbands that the prostitution rate is increasing? I feel as though the war has a large effect on what is happening over in Iraq and the culture that is turning out. Aside from the war, prostitution seems to be a very typical job in Iraq. What is going on in the country that makes this illegal activity so popular? Women need help to find a better way of income than selling their bodies. I also wonder how many women are actually forced into prostitution rather than it being an idividual decision. I highly support Yanar Mohammad and her efforts to reduce female prostitution in Iraq to better the culture. I believe Iraq has a large and growing problem that more attention and help can take care of.
Friday, October 30, 2009
8 U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan
I am just crushed every time I hear about the deaths of mass amounts of soldiers. especially 24 deaths within 48 hours. Stories such as this one open up the eyes of Americans and let them know and feel the courage it takes for soldiers to risk their lives for our safety. I do not, however, agree with Robert Gate's idea of sending more troops to Afghanistan. If more and more troops are being killed by bombs then why send more troops to get killed? To me, it just does not make sense. I think that we need to send enough troops to fill the positions lost by the fallen soldiers, but not too much where their positions are not needed. This just highers the risk of having a fatal roadside bomb situation. Protecting our safety also includes being protected as a soldier in Afghanistan.
My position is the same as Alexis Nielson's in her blog on the issue.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Texas terror suspect pleads not guilty
I was appalled that our country still lets thousands of foreigns into the U.S. that ultimately live here illegally. I believe we need to be more strict on admission especially after 9/11. This sounds like a very legitimate case. If authoritites found Smadi on a site created for terrorists then why would they think twice about believing he was one? After attempting to use weapons of mass destruction on the U.S. the young adult has to be screaming guilty. I am shocked that he plead not guilty for the situation. It is not safe to let suspects like him go. Us Americans need to increase our security. I believe this 19-year-old deserves to pay for his attempt at a terroist attack and definitely should not have been proven not guilty. He should still pay his time for the attempt and threats on the U.S.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Frustration looms as H1N1 vaccines run out
I am still personally deciding whether or not to recieve the swine flu shot or nasal spray. I feel as though it could be in my best interest to take the next step in preventing myself from becoming ill. I believe that the health associations are doing whatever they can to increase the process of distributing vaccines. Many are complaining about the shortage, but really what can be done? Of course, they could have looked at the population and been more accurate with their vaccination numbers but they didn't know the shots would be in such demand. I also believe that health proffesionals wanted to get the vaccine out as early has possible to prevent any more cases or deaths. This was very clever in their part. The people are complaining about not having shots, but they wouldn't have them anyways if the manufacturers would have waited to release the vaccines until a higher number was ready. I wonder how well this vaccine really works. Is it really going to prevent me from getting terribly ill or am I just being presented a fake placebo? I strongly agree that people should not be turned away at the door, but rather all wanting the vaccine should recieve it despite its numbers. Just because their immune systems have fought through other flu cases doesn't mean they are immune to H1N1. I encourage an increase in the speed of manufacturing of the vaccine and get it distributed as soon as possible.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Balloon boy family feels 'under siege,' lawyer says
My first reaction to hearing this was, "Who would anyone ever think to do something like this?" Putting my child into hiding just so I can capture a few gleams of fame doesn't quite sound appealing to me or even morally right. I believe the Heene parents are extremely selfish people who can't find anything else better to do with their lives. I want to personally ask them what they were hoping to get out of a situation such as this. Hopefully their response is a little jail time. I strongly support the felonies and punishments accused of and to be served by both parents. I think they should have to pay back for all the supplies and effort used and put forth in an attempt to "save their son". In a video posted on the link below a neighbor of the family explains how she was hugging Mayumi as she sat in sorrow waiting to hear her son was ok. For millions to sympathize with the family and then find out its all a joke is no laughing matter. In my opinion the 'reality tv' thirsty parents need to sit in jail and think about a better way to earn their fame.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Issue #3 - Social Insecurity
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Obstacles ahead for Obama's gay rights goals
I personally believe that same-sex marriage or beliefs issues should not cause such stir in politics. It is still a mystery to me what is believed so wrong about such a thing. I support Obama's idea of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, but I believe he should take his time on the issue and gain support from outsiders and especially members of his own party. The last thing the president wants to do is anger those who are already not in agreement with him. I question the thought put into the creation of the act in the first place. I know things change over time, but why did Clinton start an act he disagrees with now? Shouldn't he have been thinking about the future in his decision making? If Obama is not even a supporter of same-sex marriage then he should be careful about his current decision making. I agree with the presidents decision to eliminate the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. All americans should be able to serve if that is what they feel their duty is. There is no rush involving this policy so Congress should take the time to recieve military consent before repealing it. Obama has many decisions laying out in front of him. I believe he needs gain support from many before making any final just yet.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fallen soldiers remembered as devoted fathers, heros
I believe it is a great act for the U.S. to give a tribute and remember soldiers who die. No matter who it may be or how high in rank they are, each individual is fighting for our country and us as Americans should be greatful for that. This is especially true when a soldier gets killed in an act to serve his or her country. What im wondering, however, is how is it safe for officers to deploy soldiers in heavy Taliban populated areas where attack is a high risk? Of course, it is their duty, but can they be blamed for not having enough troops to defend themselves? In my opinion, more troops should be stationed at bases with higher Taliban threat. The military analysts knew how large the Taliban group was so why wouldn't they send enough troops to that base? Terrorist analysts stated that a similar attack at a base in Wanat, 20 miles from attacked base, should have been a lessons learned experience. I couldn't agree with them more. Why station such loyal U.S. citizens in an area too populated by the enemy for their numbers to defend? This concept does not make sense, but hopefully second time around the military learns a lesson. All in all, I admire the recognition of the fallen soldiers who have fought so bravely for my safety.