Sunday, October 18, 2009

Issue #3 - Social Insecurity

Is the Social Security system really becoming an issue in the United States? That is a question many Americans ask. The truth is the system is currently creating a surplus, but the future shows the government spending more money than it takes in. Many believe that the Social Security system needs to undergo major changes in order to survive in the decades to come. This is because of the baby boomers who are nearing retirement age. The system is going bankrupt and the only way to save it is by cutting programs or raising taxes. No one knew Social Security which was created for americans with health problems, disabilities, and the elderly would merely turn into a program for funding retired men and women. Supporters believe that the changes to be made should include offering private investment accounts. This was an idea of President Bush for people to invest in their own Social Security account rather than being taxed and giving their money to fellow americans they do not know. Another idea was that the U.S. would have to offer support to only those Americans who need help the most. All in all, Social Security is not going to work unless things change. Others expressed their belief that the United States is a strong and independent nation and can handle the upcoming Social Security necessities without much change. These people argue that the system may have turned into a retirement program, but it works. As the years go on people pay their taxes that support Social Security and eventually they will be rewarded with that support when they retire. Supporters of this idea also explain that the Social Security system is running a surplus and will continue to do so which will set aside money for the future. The system does not need changes in their opinion, it only needs to fix a few things for the future including: raising the cap on things that can be taxed to support Social Security and raising the retirement age.

In my opinion the Social Security system must change things to survive in the future. It may be creating a surplus today, but us Americans need to think more about tomorrow. The number of retired individuals is going to rapidly increase and the government's budget is not going to be ready for it. The United States is already $8.8 trillion in debt, and doesn't need yet another problem feeding that debt. It is true that Social Security has turned into a national retirement fund, but how do we prevent that? There really is no way. I believe Social Security needs to focus on the most important issues it faces rather than trying to please everyone. Sure, raising the retirement age would help save money and time but it does not seem justified. If a man is terribly sick and is just under the qualified age for Social Security he deserves the benefits of any other ill elderly man just a few years or months older than him. I think Social Security should not be determinded ultimately on age but condition also. Help those in "need" not those "qualified". I support the private investment account because everyone should have the right to help themselves in the future. However, I believe it should be ones decision what they choose to do with their taxes as long as the economy and government budget remains balanced. If I do not choose to set aside money for my retirement I want to know that my money now is still going to a good cause and will benefit me when I retire. Perhaps the government needs to find a way to prove to Americans that their tax money is being used in the right way. In all actuality, we need to start now to prepare for the future.

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