Monday, October 19, 2009

Balloon boy family feels 'under siege,' lawyer says

Many people around the nation watched in terror as a weather balloon floated for miles carrying a little boy. Or so they thought. Yesterday investigators revealed the scare as a hoax. Richard and Mayumi Heene, the parents of the boy, are said to be aspiring reality tv stars. They met in hollywood and appeared on the reality television show "wife swap". They also attempted to start their own show on TLC but were passed. The two have three children ages 6, 8, and 10. Authorities have performed polygraph tests but due to Colorado law are not entitled to release any information about the tests or whether they were performed or not. All family members have also gone through many interviews. One of which helped solve the mystery. Falcon, the boy said to be in the balloon, was interviewed and his father asked him why he hadn't come out of hiding when his parents were looking for him. Falcon's response was, "You guys said we did this for the show". That led investigators to an imediate solution to the mystery. The family feels under siege as law enforcement continues to hold them guilty. Likely charges on the Heene parents include: conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and attemping to influence a public servant. It is likely that the two will spend time in jail but since the situation is still red hot, only time will tell.

My first reaction to hearing this was, "Who would anyone ever think to do something like this?" Putting my child into hiding just so I can capture a few gleams of fame doesn't quite sound appealing to me or even morally right. I believe the Heene parents are extremely selfish people who can't find anything else better to do with their lives. I want to personally ask them what they were hoping to get out of a situation such as this. Hopefully their response is a little jail time. I strongly support the felonies and punishments accused of and to be served by both parents. I think they should have to pay back for all the supplies and effort used and put forth in an attempt to "save their son". In a video posted on the link below a neighbor of the family explains how she was hugging Mayumi as she sat in sorrow waiting to hear her son was ok. For millions to sympathize with the family and then find out its all a joke is no laughing matter. In my opinion the 'reality tv' thirsty parents need to sit in jail and think about a better way to earn their fame.

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