Friday, October 30, 2009

8 U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Eight American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on tuesday due to roadside bombs. Military officials say that seven soldiers killed were riding in the same vehicle while the other one was killed in a separate attack. The bombs were followed by small arms fires which has become a common method of the Taliban. These attacks occured just a day after 14 Americans were killed in two helicopter crashes. This makes a total of 58 fatalities in October, making it the deadliest month since the war began back in October 2001. Roadside bombs have become responsible for a great majority of the total fatalities in Afghanistan. In the past two years road side bomb deaths has equaled 400%. Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, is calling for the deployment of nearly 3,ooo U.S. troops to defend the frequent bombs.

I am just crushed every time I hear about the deaths of mass amounts of soldiers. especially 24 deaths within 48 hours. Stories such as this one open up the eyes of Americans and let them know and feel the courage it takes for soldiers to risk their lives for our safety. I do not, however, agree with Robert Gate's idea of sending more troops to Afghanistan. If more and more troops are being killed by bombs then why send more troops to get killed? To me, it just does not make sense. I think that we need to send enough troops to fill the positions lost by the fallen soldiers, but not too much where their positions are not needed. This just highers the risk of having a fatal roadside bomb situation. Protecting our safety also includes being protected as a soldier in Afghanistan.

My position is the same as Alexis Nielson's in her blog on the issue.

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