Friday, October 30, 2009

8 U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Eight American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on tuesday due to roadside bombs. Military officials say that seven soldiers killed were riding in the same vehicle while the other one was killed in a separate attack. The bombs were followed by small arms fires which has become a common method of the Taliban. These attacks occured just a day after 14 Americans were killed in two helicopter crashes. This makes a total of 58 fatalities in October, making it the deadliest month since the war began back in October 2001. Roadside bombs have become responsible for a great majority of the total fatalities in Afghanistan. In the past two years road side bomb deaths has equaled 400%. Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, is calling for the deployment of nearly 3,ooo U.S. troops to defend the frequent bombs.

I am just crushed every time I hear about the deaths of mass amounts of soldiers. especially 24 deaths within 48 hours. Stories such as this one open up the eyes of Americans and let them know and feel the courage it takes for soldiers to risk their lives for our safety. I do not, however, agree with Robert Gate's idea of sending more troops to Afghanistan. If more and more troops are being killed by bombs then why send more troops to get killed? To me, it just does not make sense. I think that we need to send enough troops to fill the positions lost by the fallen soldiers, but not too much where their positions are not needed. This just highers the risk of having a fatal roadside bomb situation. Protecting our safety also includes being protected as a soldier in Afghanistan.

My position is the same as Alexis Nielson's in her blog on the issue.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Texas terror suspect pleads not guilty

Hosam Maher Husein Smadi is a nineteen year old terrorist suspect accused of two counts of plotting a bomb in Dallas, Texas. He pleaded guilty on Monday in federal court. Authorities found him on an extremist chat site writing threats to bomb the Dallas airport and then a skyscraper. Undercover officers acted as members of al Qeada and contacted Smadi months before his arrest. He said,"I have decided to change the target. God willing, the strike will be certain and strong. It will shake the currently weak economy in the state and the American nation, because this bank is one of the largest banks in the city." After recieving a bomb from one of the undercover officers, or so he thought was a bomb, he drove into the parking ramp of a Wells Fargo skyscraper. Thinking that denoting the bomb would occur with a phone call he ended up calling authorities and was then arrested for attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. This could lead him to life in prison and a $250,000 fine. However, Smadi was found not guilty of connections with any terrorist group.

I was appalled that our country still lets thousands of foreigns into the U.S. that ultimately live here illegally. I believe we need to be more strict on admission especially after 9/11. This sounds like a very legitimate case. If authoritites found Smadi on a site created for terrorists then why would they think twice about believing he was one? After attempting to use weapons of mass destruction on the U.S. the young adult has to be screaming guilty. I am shocked that he plead not guilty for the situation. It is not safe to let suspects like him go. Us Americans need to increase our security. I believe this 19-year-old deserves to pay for his attempt at a terroist attack and definitely should not have been proven not guilty. He should still pay his time for the attempt and threats on the U.S.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Frustration looms as H1N1 vaccines run out

A mother of 3 was not able to get the H1N1 vaccine for her children ,who at school are exposed to the virus, because it was not available. This just begins the many frustrations of the dwindling supply of the vaccine. This mother expresses that the health officials knew that millions would come to recieve the vaccine and they knew the population before delivering it. Therefore, there is no logical explanation as to why people are not able to recieve it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stress that manufacturing has just fallen behind. The expected 40 million doses by the end of october has only reached about 30 million. Almost everywhere in the U.S. the vaccine is running out and in demand. Just over one thousand American adults were surveyed and asked whether the swine flu vaccine is safe or not. Roughly 49 percent said it was while 43 percent said it was not. Because the vaccine is in such high demand and short supply some hospitals and clinics are finding themselves turning patients away, only injecting those in need of the vaccine. These people include: pregnant women, ages 6 months to 24 years, and those with other serious or long existing health issues. Some private schools are also unable to provide the shots for its students. While some stress that anyone who wants a shot or spray should be allowed to get one, others declare health officials are doing all they can to keep the vaccine coming in and giving as many patients as possible what they want.

I am still personally deciding whether or not to recieve the swine flu shot or nasal spray. I feel as though it could be in my best interest to take the next step in preventing myself from becoming ill. I believe that the health associations are doing whatever they can to increase the process of distributing vaccines. Many are complaining about the shortage, but really what can be done? Of course, they could have looked at the population and been more accurate with their vaccination numbers but they didn't know the shots would be in such demand. I also believe that health proffesionals wanted to get the vaccine out as early has possible to prevent any more cases or deaths. This was very clever in their part. The people are complaining about not having shots, but they wouldn't have them anyways if the manufacturers would have waited to release the vaccines until a higher number was ready. I wonder how well this vaccine really works. Is it really going to prevent me from getting terribly ill or am I just being presented a fake placebo? I strongly agree that people should not be turned away at the door, but rather all wanting the vaccine should recieve it despite its numbers. Just because their immune systems have fought through other flu cases doesn't mean they are immune to H1N1. I encourage an increase in the speed of manufacturing of the vaccine and get it distributed as soon as possible.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Balloon boy family feels 'under siege,' lawyer says

Many people around the nation watched in terror as a weather balloon floated for miles carrying a little boy. Or so they thought. Yesterday investigators revealed the scare as a hoax. Richard and Mayumi Heene, the parents of the boy, are said to be aspiring reality tv stars. They met in hollywood and appeared on the reality television show "wife swap". They also attempted to start their own show on TLC but were passed. The two have three children ages 6, 8, and 10. Authorities have performed polygraph tests but due to Colorado law are not entitled to release any information about the tests or whether they were performed or not. All family members have also gone through many interviews. One of which helped solve the mystery. Falcon, the boy said to be in the balloon, was interviewed and his father asked him why he hadn't come out of hiding when his parents were looking for him. Falcon's response was, "You guys said we did this for the show". That led investigators to an imediate solution to the mystery. The family feels under siege as law enforcement continues to hold them guilty. Likely charges on the Heene parents include: conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and attemping to influence a public servant. It is likely that the two will spend time in jail but since the situation is still red hot, only time will tell.

My first reaction to hearing this was, "Who would anyone ever think to do something like this?" Putting my child into hiding just so I can capture a few gleams of fame doesn't quite sound appealing to me or even morally right. I believe the Heene parents are extremely selfish people who can't find anything else better to do with their lives. I want to personally ask them what they were hoping to get out of a situation such as this. Hopefully their response is a little jail time. I strongly support the felonies and punishments accused of and to be served by both parents. I think they should have to pay back for all the supplies and effort used and put forth in an attempt to "save their son". In a video posted on the link below a neighbor of the family explains how she was hugging Mayumi as she sat in sorrow waiting to hear her son was ok. For millions to sympathize with the family and then find out its all a joke is no laughing matter. In my opinion the 'reality tv' thirsty parents need to sit in jail and think about a better way to earn their fame.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Issue #3 - Social Insecurity

Is the Social Security system really becoming an issue in the United States? That is a question many Americans ask. The truth is the system is currently creating a surplus, but the future shows the government spending more money than it takes in. Many believe that the Social Security system needs to undergo major changes in order to survive in the decades to come. This is because of the baby boomers who are nearing retirement age. The system is going bankrupt and the only way to save it is by cutting programs or raising taxes. No one knew Social Security which was created for americans with health problems, disabilities, and the elderly would merely turn into a program for funding retired men and women. Supporters believe that the changes to be made should include offering private investment accounts. This was an idea of President Bush for people to invest in their own Social Security account rather than being taxed and giving their money to fellow americans they do not know. Another idea was that the U.S. would have to offer support to only those Americans who need help the most. All in all, Social Security is not going to work unless things change. Others expressed their belief that the United States is a strong and independent nation and can handle the upcoming Social Security necessities without much change. These people argue that the system may have turned into a retirement program, but it works. As the years go on people pay their taxes that support Social Security and eventually they will be rewarded with that support when they retire. Supporters of this idea also explain that the Social Security system is running a surplus and will continue to do so which will set aside money for the future. The system does not need changes in their opinion, it only needs to fix a few things for the future including: raising the cap on things that can be taxed to support Social Security and raising the retirement age.

In my opinion the Social Security system must change things to survive in the future. It may be creating a surplus today, but us Americans need to think more about tomorrow. The number of retired individuals is going to rapidly increase and the government's budget is not going to be ready for it. The United States is already $8.8 trillion in debt, and doesn't need yet another problem feeding that debt. It is true that Social Security has turned into a national retirement fund, but how do we prevent that? There really is no way. I believe Social Security needs to focus on the most important issues it faces rather than trying to please everyone. Sure, raising the retirement age would help save money and time but it does not seem justified. If a man is terribly sick and is just under the qualified age for Social Security he deserves the benefits of any other ill elderly man just a few years or months older than him. I think Social Security should not be determinded ultimately on age but condition also. Help those in "need" not those "qualified". I support the private investment account because everyone should have the right to help themselves in the future. However, I believe it should be ones decision what they choose to do with their taxes as long as the economy and government budget remains balanced. If I do not choose to set aside money for my retirement I want to know that my money now is still going to a good cause and will benefit me when I retire. Perhaps the government needs to find a way to prove to Americans that their tax money is being used in the right way. In all actuality, we need to start now to prepare for the future.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obstacles ahead for Obama's gay rights goals

This article discussed a march and rally that took place Sunday for gay rights issues. Lawmakers are proving that goals being made involving the rights of gays will face obstacles. As Obama continues to encourage Congress to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, some of his own followers are not on the same path. Many simply state that they are not sure that completely repealing the act is the right thing to do at this moment. One senator said that Michigan does not permit gay marriage, therefore, other states also not permitting it will not agree with the president's decision. This could ultimately result in conflict among states. In 1996 President Clinton made a law stating marriage is between a man and a woman. He now disagrees with the law. Obama is not a definite supporter of same-sex marriage but supports civil unions for same-sex couples and protection. Last week a bill passed protecting against hate crimes towards ones sexual identity. The president also wishes to end the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of the military. Many believe that Obama will succeed in this movement but must recieve the militaries consent first. They suggest Congress involves veterans and military leaders in the decision to repeal the policy. Others believe the military is sure to agree with the act, therefore, Congress should just do it. All in all, everyone agrees changing this policy must be done upon reason and not politics.

I personally believe that same-sex marriage or beliefs issues should not cause such stir in politics. It is still a mystery to me what is believed so wrong about such a thing. I support Obama's idea of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, but I believe he should take his time on the issue and gain support from outsiders and especially members of his own party. The last thing the president wants to do is anger those who are already not in agreement with him. I question the thought put into the creation of the act in the first place. I know things change over time, but why did Clinton start an act he disagrees with now? Shouldn't he have been thinking about the future in his decision making? If Obama is not even a supporter of same-sex marriage then he should be careful about his current decision making. I agree with the presidents decision to eliminate the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. All americans should be able to serve if that is what they feel their duty is. There is no rush involving this policy so Congress should take the time to recieve military consent before repealing it. Obama has many decisions laying out in front of him. I believe he needs gain support from many before making any final just yet.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fallen soldiers remembered as devoted fathers, heros

Eight American soldiers were killed in a 12-hour standoff on saturday. This is the 2nd largest fatality attack since July. The soldiers were stationed in eastern Afghanistan near a base which held 300 Taliban. This region is called a Taliban stronghold and the soldiers knew this was where they would be stationed. Military analysts state that troops were planning for this attack for days and American troops in this region are merely outnumbered. Family members spoke on behalf of the fallen men. The father of Stephan Mace, a soldier killed in the attack, shares that his son was a very good athlete and felt it was his duty to return to Afghanistan despite his knowlege of the danger he would face. Stephan had traveled and lived in Africa for 3 summers where he worked at a vet clinic. It was then that he realized he wanted to enlist in the military. Many others who fell with Mace joined the military to show their devotion to their families. Staff Sgt. Vernon W. Martin left behind his wife and three young children whom he devoted all his time to. Christopher T. Griffin was a very young athlete who lived in a small town. His high school teachers and principal felt the hardship of their recently graduated student's death. Sgt. Michael P. Scusa had always talked about serving in the army. He left behind his wife and 1-year-old son. Other fallen soldiers were remembered for their excitement about life. These soldiers include: Pfc. Kevin Thompson, Sgt. Joshua M. Hardt, Sgt. Justin T. Gallegos, and Sgt. Joshua J. Kirk. All of whom will be remembered for their service and duty to our country.

I believe it is a great act for the U.S. to give a tribute and remember soldiers who die. No matter who it may be or how high in rank they are, each individual is fighting for our country and us as Americans should be greatful for that. This is especially true when a soldier gets killed in an act to serve his or her country. What im wondering, however, is how is it safe for officers to deploy soldiers in heavy Taliban populated areas where attack is a high risk? Of course, it is their duty, but can they be blamed for not having enough troops to defend themselves? In my opinion, more troops should be stationed at bases with higher Taliban threat. The military analysts knew how large the Taliban group was so why wouldn't they send enough troops to that base? Terrorist analysts stated that a similar attack at a base in Wanat, 20 miles from attacked base, should have been a lessons learned experience. I couldn't agree with them more. Why station such loyal U.S. citizens in an area too populated by the enemy for their numbers to defend? This concept does not make sense, but hopefully second time around the military learns a lesson. All in all, I admire the recognition of the fallen soldiers who have fought so bravely for my safety.